Add To Send To
Available for: Single Files and Folders, Window background, Desktop

Add To Send To provides a quick and simple method of adding file and folder links to your Send To menu, making it easy to move or copy files to a particular folder or drive, or open a selected file using any application you like.

To add an item to your Send To menu:

  1. Right-click the item (or a blank space in the window) and choose Add to Send To from the ShellToys XP menu.

  2. A dialog will appear prompting you to choose a friendly name for the item (this is the name that will appear on the menu). Type a unique name (one that no other item on the menu is using) and click OK.

  3. You can now "send" any file or folder to the new Send To item in the usual way.

See also:

  • Send To Contents Customization